RSPH Level 3 Certificate in the Safe use of Fumigants for the management of Invertebrate Pests

What will you learn
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The objective of this qualification is to enable the learner to demonstrate their competence in the sate use of fumigants for invertebrate pest management and to fulfil the requirements of the Plant Protection Products (Sustainable Use) Regulations 2012.

This qualification will provide learners with an understanding of why the use of fumigants is controlled, the health and safety requirements relating to their use, the different methods by which fumigants can be applied and procedures for their safe transport, use and disposal.

Practical elements of the qualification include what to do before using fumigants, how to use fumigants safely and what to do after treatment is finished.

A range of different fumigation methods are covered by the different option units.

For the Award, candidates will take the mandatory unit, Use of fumigation in invertebrate pest management, and one of the option units.

For the Certificate, candidates will take the mandatory unit, Use of fumigation in invertebrate pest management, and at least two of the option units. For the Certificate candidates must have a total qualification time of at least 124 hours.


Unit 1: Use of fumigation in invertebrate pest management

Unit 2: Carry out procedures for the safe fumigation of freight containers and static containers used as fumigation chambers

Unit 3: Carry out procedures for the safe fumigation of commodities under sheet and bulk grain in grain stores

Unit 4: Carry out procedures for the safe fumigation of silos

Unit 5: Carry out procedures for the safe fumigation of ships' holds

Unit 6: Carry out procedures for safe fumigation of buildings, warehouses, food processing plants and mills

Unit 7: Carry out procedures for the safe fumigation of purpose built fumigation chambers

Unit 8: Carry out procedures for the safe fumigation of specialist 'fumigation bubbles'

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RSPH Level 3 Certificate in the Safe use of Fumigants for the management of Invertebrate Pests
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RSPH Level 3 Certificate in the Safe use of Fumigants for the management of Invertebrate Pests

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The objective of this qualification is to enable the learner to demonstrate their competence in the sate use of fumigants for invertebrate pest management and to fulfil the requirements of the Plant Protection Products (Sustainable Use) Regulations 2012.

This qualification will provide learners with an understanding of why the use of fumigants is controlled, the health and safety requirements relating to their use, the different methods by which fumigants can be applied and procedures for their safe transport, use and disposal.

Practical elements of the qualification include what to do before using fumigants, how to use fumigants safely and what to do after treatment is finished.

A range of different fumigation methods are covered by the different option units.

For the Award, candidates will take the mandatory unit, Use of fumigation in invertebrate pest management, and one of the option units.

For the Certificate, candidates will take the mandatory unit, Use of fumigation in invertebrate pest management, and at least two of the option units. For the Certificate candidates must have a total qualification time of at least 124 hours.


Unit 1: Use of fumigation in invertebrate pest management

Unit 2: Carry out procedures for the safe fumigation of freight containers and static containers used as fumigation chambers

Unit 3: Carry out procedures for the safe fumigation of commodities under sheet and bulk grain in grain stores

Unit 4: Carry out procedures for the safe fumigation of silos

Unit 5: Carry out procedures for the safe fumigation of ships' holds

Unit 6: Carry out procedures for safe fumigation of buildings, warehouses, food processing plants and mills

Unit 7: Carry out procedures for the safe fumigation of purpose built fumigation chambers

Unit 8: Carry out procedures for the safe fumigation of specialist 'fumigation bubbles'