ISO 22000:2018 / FSSC22000 Consultancy & Training

ISO 22000 provides a systematic approach to managing food safety and can help organizations to improve their food safety performance, reduce the risk of food safety incidents, and demonstrate their commitment to producing safe and high-quality food products. By implementing ISO 22000, organizations can build trust with their customers, suppliers, and stakeholders and gain a competitive advantage in the food industry.
What will you learn
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ISO 22000 is a globally recognized food safety management system that is designed to help organizations control and prevent hazards throughout the food production process. This standard is critical for any organization that is involved in the food industry and wants to demonstrate their commitment to producing safe and high-quality food products.

Program Objectives

The main objective of ISO 22000 is to provide a process control system that identifies and controls hazards in food production, from raw material sourcing to distribution. The standard includes steps that are designed to prevent problems before they occur and to correct deviations through a systematic approach as soon as they are detected. Such preventive control documentation and verification are widely recognized by scientific authorities and international organizations as the most effective approach available for producing safe food.

ISO 22000 is an ideal standard for organizations that are involved in the food industry, including manufacturers, distributors, and retailers. The standard is particularly relevant for managers planning the implementation of ISO 22000:2005, anyone who may be involved in either the support or actual implementation of a food safety management system or HACCP, managers or other personnel tasked with managing a food establishment, and food safety consultants.

Target Group:

  • Managers planning the implementation of ISO 22000:2005
    Anyone who may be involved in either the support or actual implementation of a food safety management system or HACCP.
  • Managers or other personnel tasked with managing a food establishment.
  • Food safety consultants

The standard is designed to be flexible and can be applied to a wide range of food production processes, regardless of the size or complexity of the organization. The standard provides a framework for implementing a food safety management system that is customized to the needs of the organization.

ISO 22000 is built on the principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), which is a systematic approach to identifying and controlling hazards throughout the food production process. The standard includes requirements for establishing and maintaining a food safety management system, including:

  • Management commitment: Top management must be committed to implementing and maintaining the food safety management system and must allocate the necessary resources to ensure its effectiveness.
  • Hazard analysis: The organization must conduct a hazard analysis to identify and evaluate the hazards that could affect the safety of the food products.
  • Operational prerequisites programs: The organization must establish and implement operational prerequisites programs (OPRPs) to control the hazards that are not covered by the HACCP plan.
  • HACCP plan: The organization must develop and implement a HACCP plan that identifies and controls the hazards that are critical to the safety of the food products.
  • Verification: The organization must establish and implement a verification program to ensure that the food safety management system is operating effectively.
  • Improvement: The organization must establish and implement a continual improvement program to identify and correct deviations from the food safety management system.

Frequently asked questions
Is online education as effective as face-to-face instruction?

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How do I know if online education is right for me?

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How do I know if an online degree program is credible?

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What technical skills do online students need?

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Do online schools offer the same student support as traditional colleges?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

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ISO 22000:2018 / FSSC22000 Consultancy & Training
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ISO 22000:2018 / FSSC22000 Consultancy & Training

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ISO 22000 provides a systematic approach to managing food safety and can help organizations to improve their food safety performance, reduce the risk of food safety incidents, and demonstrate their commitment to producing safe and high-quality food products. By implementing ISO 22000, organizations can build trust with their customers, suppliers, and stakeholders and gain a competitive advantage in the food industry.

ISO 22000 is a globally recognized food safety management system that is designed to help organizations control and prevent hazards throughout the food production process. This standard is critical for any organization that is involved in the food industry and wants to demonstrate their commitment to producing safe and high-quality food products.

Program Objectives

The main objective of ISO 22000 is to provide a process control system that identifies and controls hazards in food production, from raw material sourcing to distribution. The standard includes steps that are designed to prevent problems before they occur and to correct deviations through a systematic approach as soon as they are detected. Such preventive control documentation and verification are widely recognized by scientific authorities and international organizations as the most effective approach available for producing safe food.

ISO 22000 is an ideal standard for organizations that are involved in the food industry, including manufacturers, distributors, and retailers. The standard is particularly relevant for managers planning the implementation of ISO 22000:2005, anyone who may be involved in either the support or actual implementation of a food safety management system or HACCP, managers or other personnel tasked with managing a food establishment, and food safety consultants.

Target Group:

  • Managers planning the implementation of ISO 22000:2005
    Anyone who may be involved in either the support or actual implementation of a food safety management system or HACCP.
  • Managers or other personnel tasked with managing a food establishment.
  • Food safety consultants

The standard is designed to be flexible and can be applied to a wide range of food production processes, regardless of the size or complexity of the organization. The standard provides a framework for implementing a food safety management system that is customized to the needs of the organization.

ISO 22000 is built on the principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), which is a systematic approach to identifying and controlling hazards throughout the food production process. The standard includes requirements for establishing and maintaining a food safety management system, including:

  • Management commitment: Top management must be committed to implementing and maintaining the food safety management system and must allocate the necessary resources to ensure its effectiveness.
  • Hazard analysis: The organization must conduct a hazard analysis to identify and evaluate the hazards that could affect the safety of the food products.
  • Operational prerequisites programs: The organization must establish and implement operational prerequisites programs (OPRPs) to control the hazards that are not covered by the HACCP plan.
  • HACCP plan: The organization must develop and implement a HACCP plan that identifies and controls the hazards that are critical to the safety of the food products.
  • Verification: The organization must establish and implement a verification program to ensure that the food safety management system is operating effectively.
  • Improvement: The organization must establish and implement a continual improvement program to identify and correct deviations from the food safety management system.